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[brooch] Goth Fashion [brooch]
goth fashion is:

black/dark - %59
leather, chains - %11
vampiric - %5
Aside from receiving several messages that goth isn't about how you look but rather how you feel, there were still several people who shared their thoughts on goth fashion. Whether you're looking for inspiration before your next shopping trip, or curious about what other goths are wearing, the following comments are useful and sometimes entertaining. goth fashion is:

velvet, silk, & lace - %18
pale skin and/or dark makeup - %16

"Just be yourself, but you should like dark things if you are goth. I wear a black cape and I love it, but then I also wear a jester cap at times as well ;-) (It's black and bloody red...)"

"Black velvet, frock coats, ruffled shirts, multiple earrings and rings with all sort of mystical/creepy imagery (ankhs, upside down crosses, spiders, skulls, razors, etc.) Lace and silk, leather (when we can afford it) dyed hair, skin so pale its virtually translucent, and make-up."

"Black, chains, silver, leather, piercings, sun glasses."

"Dark clothes, white face w/ black lips, eyeliner, and black nail polish."

"Most people would say 'all black' I say all dark, but it all is based in black."

"Sexually ambiguous renaissance, fetish, medieval, and industrial/cyberpunk fashions, tainted with religious overtones and a heavy emphasis on beauty..."

"Black, burgandy, dark blue, red, hunter green,and fuschia (or maybe that's just me), velvet, silk, satin, cotton, and wool. Hair: same colors as clothes. teased or straight and flat. Nails: usually black - although i have an array of over 36 colors - black or burgandy lipstick and eyeshadow... on men and women!"

"Black, or white. Capes, coats, miniskirts, whatever really."

"Black, Black....and more Black."

"...all goths wear black ALL of them: if they don't they may be cool as hell but they are not goth."

"Black clothes and shoes are the most notable. Gothic fashion tends to be dramatic or theatrical. Unusual haircuts and hair colors (though black being most typical) are pretty common with the goth crowd. Leather, lace, satin, velvet, brocade, PVC, rayon, and silks are fabrics of choice. I personally think you can tell goth people by their pointy-toed shoes and boots. I've never seen anyone who wasn't goth in severely pointed shoes/boots. :)"

"Dark, emotional, and dramatic."

"Dark clothes. Highly stylised. Almost punk but more. PVC, Velvet, etc. Almost Vampirical. Check out The Black Rose in Kensington, London."

"Things of dark nature. Ranging from Victorian clothing to GothPunk memorabilia from the early 80's..."

"Usually depends on personal preference. but for the unimaginative, it usually consists of a lot of fishnet, black t-shirts, and poorly applied foundation."

"Anything black, purple or maroon; satin; lace; leather; shiny leather; chains; and makeup."

"Make up, skirt on lads which make them heavenly."

"Well their really are so many different types of goths, like a friend of mine calls the renaissance looking ones that are all perfect "fashion goths" and then their are the "punk-ish" ones that wear the fishnets on the arms, and have used a crimper in their hair way too many times,teased hair, loads of eyeliner etc. etc."

"Most black clothing, resembling... almost what people would call witch clothing or vampire clothing, can usually be considered gothic. Also, slightly (or very, depending on your style...) revealing clothing (or tight) such as vinyl, lace, fishnet, chiffon (you get the picture) - if worn in the right way with the right jewlery can be very gothic. Bondage jewelry and lots-o-metal is a must. Pointy, buckle up boots, tall Doc Martens, or almost any tall, lace-up or, buckle-up boot will do (in black, of course). Some other common gothic colors are blood red to maroon, deep purple, and silver to dark charcoal grey."

"Black (smirk), red, purple, lace, leather, corsets, buckles, pointy shoes, pirate shirts, crushed velvet, satin... keyword = interesting materials =)"

"Boots, skirts, dresses, veils, tights, fishnets, hats...."

"Black. Anything that will seperate them from the mainstream that they are trying to escape. They still won't wear anything that will piss their friends off, i.e. they wouldn't wear Gap because they'd have to walk behind all of their friends."

"Lot's of black, velvet, lace, silver jewelry (crosses especially)."

"BLACK. Definately. I hate white pasty face makeup tho... I did that one in my teen years. Elegant... velvet, and the like. But really the fashion is as varied as the personalities of the people."

"Always remember, when getting dress or socializing: the shoes and THEN the corset. When wearing fishnet or lace, and a spiked bracelet or collar (while removing a shirt) be careful not to get yourself tangled. (There's really no graceful way of untangling yourself, and after all, goths are supposed to be graceful :)= "

"Always keep a roll of some kind of tape in you car and in every room in the house.... you'd be suprised how much shit gets stuck to your black attire. Although it may look miniscule, it shows up tremendously under black lights. Always have a spare black eyeliner handy. And lastly, remember, you're representing the dead... do your best to look as pale, and dramatically authentic as possible."

Feel like reviewing the previous results which were posted here?

What is Goth? | Are you Goth? | Origins of Goth | Goth Music | Goth Fashion | Goth Life | Goth Influences

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June 1997 Results of Ivy le Jolie's Goth Survey, page 2
Last Updated: 8 May 1998
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